Nestled on the edge of the Niagara Escarpment, we are ideally located central to ski hills, golf courses, Bruce Trail, Artisans and Horseback Riding

A word of warning - don't necessarily trust your GPS to find us!
From Toronto West:
Take Hwy 401 westbound
Drive north on 410 (turns into Hwy 10)
Continue on Hwy 10 through Orangeville to the lights in Primrose (Hwy 89)
Head west on Hwy 89 until the first lights on the outskirts of Shelburn (Cnty Rd 124, No Frills on the SE corner)
Turn north on 124 through the lights at Masonville, past the bend for Hornings Mills, past the 20th sideroad, up to the four corners of Redickville (Cnty Rd 21)
Drive east on Cnty Rd 21 and right through the town of Honeywood
Look for Prince of Wales Rd outside of the town of Honeywood
Go south on Prince of Wales Rd - look for the emergency #638135 or our roadside sign
From Toronto & East:
get to Hwy 401
go north on Hwy 400 until the exit for Hwy 89
go west on Hwy 89 through Cookstown, Alliston and Rosemont turn north at the next lights (Airport Rd)
go north on Airport Rd through Mansfield, past the amber flashing light for the Mansfield Ski Hills and at the next amber flashing light, turn west on Cnty Rd 21
Drive west in Cnty Rd 21 counting down the sideroads from 5...to 1 enjoy the sights especially the dive down to Black Bank as you rise out of Black Bank, drive past Center Rd
The next sideroad is Prince of Wales Rd (if you end up in Honeywood you have gone to far!)
Go south on Prince of Wales Rd - look for the emergency #638135 or our roadside sign